Pisces Go Fish Issue 1
PISCES GO FISH - Deep down in the Pacific Ocean, down in the far reaches of the Marianas Trench, reigns the Hadal Empire. With a tight hold on power for thousands and thousands of years, the Hadal Empire rules over all fish, crustaceans, and all other aquatic life in their region with an iron fist. Military garrisons are posted all throughout the empire, where rebels and dissidents are put down with unforgiving ferocity. With their stranglehold over their citizens, the Hadal Empire has imposed the religion of the Cosmic Seaweed on all of its species. The religion worships the glow in the dark seaweed which was the first light to ever exist in the Trench. Every species residing in the Hadal Empire has been united under this religion.
Meanwhile, on land, there has been the momentous recovery of the Holy Grail. As the Holy Grail is finally found in England, the entire world waits in excitement to see what was thought to be a fantasy artifact that only existed in adventure novels. Deep in debt, the United Kingdom decides to auction off the Holy Grail to the highest bidder. Despite the many competitive bids, the Holy Grail is won by a wide margin by a joint group of Saudi and Emirati businessmen for two trillion dollars. The winning group immediately sends the Grail off on a world tour, hiring the security contractors Clichy Security Solutions to keep the grail safe as it makes its way across the globe. As the Grail is being sailed over the Pacific on a first class luxury cruise, where consumers can sail with the Grail for a hefty price, the vessel encounters a devastating storm. Facing one one hundred foot wave after another, the ship eventually capsizes, and the grail sinks into the ocean, once again lost to the world. The Grail sinks far down into the ocean, eventually floating down into the Marianas Trench, and into Hadal Empire territory. Meanwhile, on the surface, the two Clichy Security Solutions employees, the only survivors of the shipwreck, are on the hook for losing the Grail.
Read the first issue by clicking on this link https://indd.adobe.com/view/d91f568f-fcda-4007-8b5b-9d6c378565f2